
The Government of Indonesia discount strict guidelines in The sorting skills required for development of the country. The company wanted to employ foreigners must proving his skills as the basis for government regulation Indonesia to limit foreign workers in Indonesia for ‘experts’ in order to reduce the unemployment rate in the country. Such that has been agreed, The Company employs people Foreign fee of USD 1200 each foreign employee To offset the costs of training Indonesian nationals. The tax is paid through the labor department. Only approved manpower plan For one year, and may be at Extend. A work permit issued to foreigners not allow their partners go to work too, unless it gets a sponsor The suspended from Related companies. Similarly, the members of the family. 

Immigration Law The more severe sanctions to citizens The foreigners caught working without VISA and work permit. Violation of this entry in the realm of criminal with the threat of imprisonment and fines. So do not delay the start of your trip to the Immigration office to report the arrival of You. At the immigration office, you will be asked for information, court fingerprints, sign various documents, and photos. Furthermore, you are right holds a limited stay permit card which was published Immigration. Need to know, that there may be income tax liability if you are located in Indonesia with a business visa for more than 6 months of the year. So, if You plan to work while in Indonesia for a few months only, make sure you apply for a temporary work visa 457 index. 

Every foreigner Residing in Indonesia are required to provide all The necessary information on the identity and or their families, as well as report any change of their status, nationality, occupation, guarantor, or address changes. Is our Vitasindo as your guide get a work permit and stay legally in Indonesia. We Understand important barrier to running your investment in Indonesia in realtime. The process for resolution of the appropriate documentation is our passion What is needed to answer the efficiency of the Company. 

Our Service : 
  • KITAP 
  • KITAS 
  • VISA FAMILY FOR FOLLOWERS ( Kids , wife / husband ) 
  • VISA STUDENT / SCHOOL , COLLEGE Naturalization